Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Bringing back the Blog

 I loved my blog. I still love my blog. You know, around March 20, 2020, when our office was sent home to work remotely, I was going to blog that Covid year. I didn't. I don't know why. Well, partly is that I made the huge mistake of changing the format of my blog and screwed it up somehow. I also made the mistake of saving photos on a different server and lost so many as you can see if you scroll down. And I changed the name. That is something I wish I hadn't done. I also can't figure out how to change that "no reply blogger" thingy, do you?

Anyway, here I am, starting over.

So much has happened since 2020. The children are older. Elliot just turned 10. TEN! We are just about to finish up Grade 4 this month. His evaluation is mid-June. Amelia is finishing up kindergarten, and Emmie is our preschooler. 

The family. 

We've been to Grey Wolf Lodge in Ohio, twice. The children finally got to see the ocean, in person, earlier this year, as Carl surprised us with a week in Daytona. It was heavenly!   

We spent many a summer day in our pool. Going to be getting that ready for the upcoming summer months. 

My parents are doing okay. My Dad is currently at Seneca Manor, a senior living provider, as his ability to walk is minimal. My Mom sits with him everyday. 

I no longer work in an office sitting, but am blessed to be able to freelance type from home while homeschooling the littles. How wonderful it's been not having to walk to a bus and spend the majority of my day commuting and working in an office. Freedom!

Oh, Kayla and I planted a few veggies last year. Our first foray into growing our own food. We planted peppers and tomatoes. This year, we are going to add carrots, pumpkins and a few herbs. Plus flowers. I'd like to have a cutting garden as the girls like to pick them.

Well, I will wrap this up now and catch y'all later.



Friday, December 30, 2022

My Standard End of the Year Post: What to Eat OR Not on the Eve of the New Year.


Back in 2012 when I was looking for new dishes to serve for New Year's Eve, I came across an excellent article on what to eat and what not to eat on the Eve.  I served only what was on the "to eat" list and ate plenty of it.  This New Year’s will be no different.  I may change up a few dishes this year, but I will be including plenty of green food!  

Here is the original post:

What are you eating this New Year that may bring you good luck throughout 2017?  When I sat down to plan my New Year’s menu and typed in “foods for New Year’s”, I was led to this*, an excellent little article on traditions and what are believed to be lucky foods.  There are six major categories: grapes, greens, fish, pork, legumes, and cakes.  I also found it interesting that the amount of greens that are eaten may predict one’s fortune.  That could explain why I am so poor.  Our tradition was to eat a spoonful of sauerkraut at midnight.  This year I am eating tons of sauerkraut.  I’ll also be serving pork (it signifies wealth and prosperity) and I’m thinking of trying my hand at baking a dessert from Holland: the ollie bollen, a puffy, donut-like pastries filled with apples, raisins, and currants.

There is also a list of What Not to Eat.  “Lobster is a bad idea because they move backwards and could therefore lead to setbacks. Chicken is also discouraged because the bird scratches backwards, which could cause regret or dwelling on the past. Another theory warns against eating any winged fowl because good luck could fly away.”

I'm thinking of following with the German custom (or superstition) of leaving a little bit of each food on your plate past midnight to guarantee a stocked pantry in the New Year.  Nothing wrong with cleaning up in the morning.

No matter what your plans, or menu, have a wonderful, safe and blessed New Year's Eve!!!!

 Merrily, Trish

*(please note that the link will take you to Epicurious, the original article has been deleted/updated).  HOWEVER, Bon Appetit's article on 10 foods that will bring you luck in the New Year was a help in my menu planning.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November | Welcome!

Ah, November! First and foremost, I love tradition, and this month will not be much different from previous Novembers. It's just who I am.

November is a great month for counting your blessings and all that you are thankful for. And what better way than to keep a gratitude journal.  You might make your own journal, or jot down thanks in a notebook, on index cards or keep a list in your notes on your phone.  If you are looking for ideas on how to start a gratitude journal, you might consider this wonderful article.

Besides keeping a gratitude journal this month, below is my list of other activities I look forward to doing this month with my Grandkiddies in tow.

1. Bake pumpkin pies.

2. Read a classic (Swiss Family Robinson, Treasure Island, Heidi)

3. Make crockpot apple cider.  I have never made apple cider before so I will be using this recipe found at The Frugal Girls.

4. Collect acorns.

5. Make a Thanksgiving craft with the kiddies (use the acorns).

6. Watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving with the family.

7. Cook up a pot of Winter Squash Soup.  I found this recipe at epicurious about three or four years ago and made a batch.  I really wasn't sure if my family would like it. My Mom has requested it be made for a few of our Christmas parties.  It's delicious!!

8. Make homemade applesauce in the crockpot.  I usually make mine on the stove top, but this season, with working from home and homeschooling two now, I'm all about crockpot recipes and this one is easy and delicious!

9. Host a board game party for the day after Thanksgiving.  Eat leftovers!

10. Enjoy each and every day - really live in the moment and be thankful for each one.


And there you have it.  My list of ten things I will be doing this November.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Welcome October 2022!

 OCTOBER │ CURRENTLY                                                   

The wind is rising and the air is wild with leaves,
We have had our summer evenings,
now for October eves!
 ~ Humbert Wolfe
Painting pumpkins at the Waterfront's Fall Festival

September kicked off my favorite four months of the year, and that feels like just yesterday. But here we are. October. 

Watching:  Hallmark Fall Into Love premieres. If only every city/town/persons celebrated the holidays like a Hallmark movie. What a wonderful place this would be. Here, in our home we try to make holiday season extra special for the kiddies. In fact, we are already filling the calendar with special things to do. Hocus Pocus 2. Emmie and I cuddled together and watched this movie last night. Emmie enjoyed the first half, especially the Sanderson Sisters as young girls. I found it enteraining and not bad for a prequel. Disney's Zombies 1, 2 and 3 has been a huge hit with the girls and the 3 films are on rotation.

Eating:  The weather here is cooler (downright cold in my opinion), which is perfect for Crocktober.  Perfect for dinners made in the slow cooker.  Pork Roasts, Red Chili, White Chicken Chili, Meatballs, comfort foods - yum!

Drinking:   Water - ugh! Doing the challenge for the next 30 days, and also because I don't drink enough water (some days none).

Playing:   Township - Still hooked.  The board game, Candyland and the dice game Yahtzee.

Looking Forward to:   Our annual Halloween party, pumpkin picking, ZooBoo and countless other October treats.

Reading: 25 Days Til Christmas by Poppy Alexander.
Enjoying: Lighting candles, the scent of fall, the changing leaves, tv or books with the kiddies bundled in blankets.   

Making: A Christmas tree skirt.
